7 Things to know before trending Bitcoins in Nigeria.
•Bitcoin Is a digital currency, without a centeral Bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user-to user on the peer to peer Bitcoin network without the need of intermediaries. Simple definition by Kajum.B.Samuel, define Bitcoin is a decentralized, noncenteral bank, end to end digital encrypted currency, or computer store value, that deal with peer to peer user in a Bitcoin data system. Bitcoin are computaly transacted without cheque or ATM, they are non banking currency. 7 Things you have to know before starting Bitcoin online business: •Buying bitcoins in your computer or mobile device: Bitcoin can be purchased on various platform and not all of them are reliable. •Device or Wallet security: Bitcoin store in a wallet as you save your money in the bank, but not all bitcoins wallet are secure, even Thor you install the application in a play tore, "Fake bitcoins wallet ...