
What is BA'AL-YARI?••••••Ba'al-yari is coined from two greak word; Ba'al means lake in Damti people language, Yari means male; it metamopuse the word Ba'al-yari; is simply translate as a long lake; Ba'al translate to English is a lake, is defined as a most culturmetic and the most longest native lake that located in River Zeouno by the west, in Damti Gbagi community (Koma) of Adamawa north east of Nigeria; within and below the mountain of Konglo (Mandigoulo). Or it's a Snake lake that located in River Zeouno withing and below the mountain of Konglo ( Mandigoulo). The study of Ba'al-yari by Kajum Samuel Bombastic , gives the botanical name of Ba,al-yari scientifically is known as Snake lake due to it appearance and existiance also base on history background. Historical Background of Ba'al-yari : The history Shaw that; Ba'al-yari was first exist in form of snake called Rami(Pithone); The name Rami Damti people called it Rami...