10 reason why Facebook change name to meta!

•The owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is a co-founder and CEO of social network website Facebook; Mark Zuckerberg, of New York, United States, change his company name to Meta(m.facebook) or Em-facebook, Meta means interaction, when people think that Facebook is a place where people show their outfit, faces, fashion, advertising businesses, and anything that is valuable for human life. Facebook  for it main purpose, is not only for that reason, Facebook have his extra achievement, it aims is to connect people to the world, meet new people  show your interest with them, interact with them, get new ideology from different people around the world, and they get ideology from you too, and make life easy than before. Facebook is a only platform that makes people find their mash in a relationship, Facebook give marriage to many people in the world.      
Importance of Facebook:
1.to connect you with the outside world.
2.To make easy communication.
3.To bring a missing freinds and families who are in the others countries closer.
4.To control emotion.
5.To make life easier.
6.To bring new technology and ideology to individual.
7.To creat a standard relationship, to the outsiders or insiders, whom interest is mash.
8.To creat employment to unemployed.
9.To reduce thinking capacity.
     •Ten reason Zuckerberg, Change his company name to M.facebook (Meta). Therera some factors which affect the Change of name Facebook to Meta, some of the factors have ben a disadvantage of Facebook.
1.Abuse: The abusive of the media by some people make the founder change some policy and which includes the change of name, even thor many people have mastered the previous name Facebook, the name have ben popular to the world than the new name; Some people use the service to gain their self interest, which the company doesn't approve for them to be use.
2.Social Violence : Facebook does not made for posting  nudity, sex vedeos, posting anything that can apere like a blood, or any fake information that is non, Facebook is made for good communication and interaction only.
3.Scammers: Zuckerberg does not make a platform for scamers, but today world Facebook as ben a platform where majority use it to defroud people of their hard earning, by posting fake profiles, fake jobs, and fake advertisement, no one trust the platform any more as it new existence; If you tell someone nowerdays you meet someone on Facebook, it will take it nonsense, he will rather warn you not to be victim of scam by froundsters.
4.Renewal: The name Meta will renew the platform to better access and value than, the formal name, Facebook.
5.New Update on time and conditions guiding the policy of the company, that can be defer from the previous want.
6.The popouse of the new name is to narrate the image, or nature of what Facebook is goin to be in feature.
7.To increase the legacy of the company in future.
8.The new name Meta, is to ensure the abusers of the network that, Facebook is not only showing people faces, but have many roll to play in realities on interaction.
9.To secure the network against violence.
10.To bring a better featured for the coming generation.
             • For the next generation, people will use, all forms of government esue document, before they may gain full access to Meta (m.facebook) 
   Thank for reading, like and share, post a comment, i will like to hear from you.


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