Bagori Yabo

 The name Bagori, was a native traditional name of Koma people, Bagori means (Let try) Yabo means ( War) in Koma language, . therefore Bagori was a great warrior in Koma land, He was a great legend of Koma people that no want break his record up to now, 

      Bagori was born in the village of Damti , in 1898, Bagori defend his people of Koma , with the War between Koma people and Fulani heshment, on 25 October 1972, The war start in Lugere Hamlet , by Killing one Fulani woman, Name Mariya, (milk seller) Bagori was a powerful warrior, who fight with aro and bow, Knife and stones, Bagori kill 200 Fulani during Bagori yabo in Koma land, . The war last for 3 years, the war was end in July 13 1977.

          Courses of Bagori yabo 

This are the courses of Bagori yabo in 1972

1 ) Farms product and water distruction by Fulani cow's, in the community,.

2) Sexual harassment stilling and killing,.

3) Bandatering and kidnapping,.

4) Distruction of farm products,. during hervesting period,.

4) Injustice and insecurity by traditional rullers such as Kings and chiefs,.


Bagori was die on 16 may 2001, in the village of Wagi, the bury him on top of Mani gowlo(on mountain) Cause of Bagori death , he kill himself with Knife.


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