Shot forms of dreams explanation

 The meaning of your dreams:

              Dreams can be simply define as a situations, in which vision of what is going to happen, i.e in feature or in real life, both negative and positive after we close our eyes during sleep,. Dreams are things happen during we sleep, but some time our dreams mash our thinking in life, the more we think the more we dreams of what we think before sleep, These are the example dreams that occur during sleep based on our thinking, this dream haven't eny meaning in vision , this kind dreams are call Mythinkingreverse dreams, the following are the example of Mythinkingreverse dreams are:

1 ) Dreams of getting more money: most of this dream took place when you think too much of money every day before sleep, this dream is an unknown dreams, that as no real meaning in life.

2) Sexsdreams : Dreams of having a sex with person you know or you don't know, this kind of dreams some time ocour basse on our thinking, the more you think of sex before sleep, the more you dream of having sex, many people don't understand that some dreams come true our thinking, some think maybe they where contacted with spiritual husband and wife in their lives but noth, because what the think is what the dream.,

3) Become a rich man, : dream of becoming a rich man or buy a car, or houses, this dream happen when you think too much of it, a real dreams of haw you will be rich, it doesn't show directly you become a rich man or buy a car, it shows in some aspects that you the dreamer you won't understand, until someone will explain to you.

4) Married a beautiful girl! Dream of marrying a beautiful girl, of someone you already know in your life, and you always have her on mind, is really not true, just that you dream because you think of her before your sleep, the real dreams of it doesn't show on lady or a man you know or think, it's show in a way that you won't understand until someone explain it to you.

This are the short meaning of your short dreams

1 Dreams of eating food, if you dream of eating food in your dreams,  sometimes is not a spiritual thing, it's a vision and alart of hunger to you , this simply means you will feel hunger, in your real life for the next day.

2) Dreams of getting money: the dream of getting money sometimes is a bat sing, you will lack money in your real life,.

3 Having sex with a girl that you love but you never have intercourse with her, it means you will spend a load of your money on her but you will not have sex with her in real life.

4 Dream of feeling so angry sometimes is a good sign, you will be very happy for the next day in real life,

5) dreams of being happy or someone makes you happy , sometimes is a bat sing, you will be very angry or someone will make you angry in real life.


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