Groundnut Kinds and their Use in Nigeria!

 Groundnut are known as one of the most Nigeria cash crops; after Rice, Beans, and Maizes. Groundnut  are  West African cach crops; the botanical name of groundnuts is  , (Arasis hyphogy ), the grow in a sanding loamy soil, rainfall of 200oc-250oc, Planting date: early April, late, June, . Maturity period, 3 - 6 month, depends on varieties, . Groundnut can be both grow either in dry season by irrigating the garden or raining season.


Groundnut are, cover crops, the grow large, they are green dark leafes, The have strong cells, which is brown dark in color, haw ever groundnut seed can look in this 3 colours only : 1.Wite, 2, red, and 3.and dark brown, but the Groundnut names (Kampala), they are mixed in colors, they contain both white red and brown!

•Types of groundnuts ! 

•There are basically 3 species of African groundnut, Namely

1.Kampala groundnut : This types of Groundnut are good for oil processing, sup, and poured, Kampala is a higher price groundnut in Nigeria, but depends on season.

2.Watan Uku groundnut: This types of west Africa groundnut, are very good in eating, cooking groundnut cakes, and sup, they are also good for oil processing, but Kampala is the best in times of oil. They are only brown in colors!

3.Nasara Guy groundnut ! The meaning of Nasara guy groundnut, is we called theme wite men groundnut, because of their appearance, they are red in colors, they are like watan uku groundnut, but different from Watan uku, the general names of does groundnut is (Sweet groundnut) because they are sweet, and good by eating them raw!

•Is Bambaranut a Groundnut? Bambaranut are not groundnut but they are family of Groundnut; The have separate green leafes, when planted and germinated, they are very strong like stones, a little boy under 8 years can't eat Frein bambaranut without cooking on fire with water, Bambaranut is not for he who doesn't have teeth because when dry in a sunlight, they becomes strong and tight like stones. They are white in color, some red and some brown, some mixed colors, like those of Groundnut!


1.Groundnut is soft; while Bambaranut are strong and hard to break when dry.

2.Bambaranut are non oil groundnut, while groundnut are not, because they contain oil in their cells.

3.Bambaranut are just for food, and the are good for eating most especially fresh bambaranut, while, groundnut are not perminetly good for eating like bambaranut, because they contain oil, they can harm your body when eating too much.

4.Bambaranut can grow in any soil except moody soil, while groundnut is only sandy loamy soil!


•Both are groundnut.

           •Importance of groundnuts in Nigeria:

1.provision of food: groundnut produce food both, lifestock and human being.

2.Source of Oil,: groundnut can be used to produce oil; 3. Provisions of cakes, : Groundnut can be used for cake's, such as birthday cakes, wedding cakes, biscuits, and groundnut cakes, etc.

4.Provision of Income,: groundnut provide hygher profit for farmers, in West Africa countries.

5. Eating: groundnut can be eating either raw or friene. Most groundnut eaters are, students, hosulers, prisoners, backsellors,  or kids etc

6.Government revenue generation: It provide revenue generation for government , example companies, and industries.

            Use of Groundnut can be classified in to two,

1) Industries use.

2) Domistic use.

Industrial use: this means when the product use , only for commercial purposes. While Domistic is when a product produce in other to satisfy, a satin family . Groundnut is very important both domestic and industrial popusese.

Groundnuts State in Nigeria!

•Adamawa south east.,

•Taraba north.,





•Bouchi state.









•Abuja south east.,

Above all Hong local government, area in Adamawa state became most larger Groundnut farmers in Nigeria:

             •The Meaning of Hong!

The full meaning of Hong, is Headquarters Of National Groundnut, or Headquarters Of groundnut in Nigeria.

         Thanks you for reading post your comments below.


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