
Showing posts from July, 2021

10, World religion that you don't know.

•The list of 10 World most powerful religion! Religion, is group of people who believe to warships gods or God. The definition of Religion according to Kajum B Samuel; Kajum B Samuel define Religion is a group of people or organization, who believe and practice specementaly, of superhuman controlling power, in-between God and Man; the power practice and excesses by Man culturally is called gods, while the supernatural powers are called God. Religion is also a way of people believe! What you believe either in a farmily, group or organization is known as religion, base on what you believe for! Example of Religion in Nigeria, Nigeria is made up of 3 Religion, these are:  1.christianity religion 2.Islamic religion. 3.and Traditional religion. ==The 10 most powerful religion: •Bomtoism. •Simtoism •Judiesm. •Ferediesm. •Culturetoism •Christianity. •Traditionalismtoism •Isalamic. •Ba-altoism. •Vamptoism. Thank you for reading, we will get back for the explanation...

Bear and the African Dog.

•Bear are mammals, that belongs to the family ( Ursidge) they can be as small as 4 feet long, and about 60 pound, they are found in American, south American, Europe, Asia, and others part of the world; •Characterestics: 1. They have excellent sense of smell; 2.They are non-retractable claws, 3. They have short tails; 4. They are typically solitary, except for mother's with cubes.           Species of Bear: There are commonly 8 species of Bear, this includes: 1.Brown Bear,(grizzly bear) 2.Asiatic black bear also called (moon bears) 3. Spectacle Bears (Anden Bear) 4. Giant Bear (Pandas) 5. North American black bear, 6. Polar bear 7.Sloth bears. 8. Sun bear,         •Foods of Bear: All bear are considering  omnivore, that all bear love the test of honey, but each species have a preferred died. Example 1. Polar bear, polar bear mostly eat seals; 2. American black bear; American black bear, considering of eating berries and i...

Lion as a King of Jungle!

•Lion is a big cat, native to African, Indians and formerly most of Europe;  • Lion   was called a king, of all animals in the jungle, both reptails and predators, not based on powers, but based on wisdom, and knowledge, which God gives him, to rull against the other animals in the jungle; the second reason that can declare a lion as a king of jungle, is his structure, appearance, and behavior; if by powers, Tiger will also be the king of the Jungle, but not; When the animals in the jungle, see lion, the sobodinet, by fear and respect, including the great Tiger.  • Tiger is a large predator mammals of the cat farmily, to indigenous to Asia; Tiger is also a most deadly carnivores, in the jungle, that kill many big-big animals in the jungle, such as, monkeys, zebrals, elephant, chimpanzee, gorilla, and Cows, etc. Tiger is also a most beautiful, carnivores in the jungle, with deadly habid; his skin and body look so beautiful, it as similar habit with...

Haw to farm late in unfertile land!

• Are you worry about farming late this year? Or your land as no soil fertility?             This Article will guide you haw to farm late in your community!               Agriculture is a cultivation of crops, rairing of livestocks, for    man use. such as food, income and industries. In other words, "Agriculture is coin from two Greek word, Aga means, cultivation, while culture means, life, therefore Agriculture is a life study of cultivating crops, rairing of animals for man use.               Life study and cultivation : Before you start everything about agriculture, i.e farming or lifetock rairing, you have to get the knowledge of haw things made, because agriculture is a science subject which teaches about the life of crops and Animals.              • Infertility of soil is not a problems to a good farmer!         ...

Dinosaurs Plant.

 Dinosaur plant are native plants that discover around, 300 millions years ago in south Africa.              •In my previous definition of dinosaurs; Dinosaur are reptails old creators or unknown old existence beast or plant in the planet, which discover 300 millions years ago;  In this article I'm going to discuss many things about dinosaurs and the old ugly pradetors in the planet;         ==Types of Dinosaurs plant: 1.Anastatica: A plant native to desert of north Africa, Example: Bahooba, cactus, cemistery, and Chabotter. 2.Pallenis hiericheintica: This is an old native flowers, that grows 100 million years ago in Mediterranean sea, in other words it's a poisonous flowers within and bellow the ocean or sea; This kind of flowers have different colors, such as black, green, red, blue, yellow and orange etc; The flowers are so deathly and dangerous to health, if not careful with such kin...

Christianity religion as turned into choice of life and politics.

  Today Christianity is choice of life not by religion law, and Bible. a.             Cristian dress. •Cristianity is a religion,  group of people, either an organization, or individual,  who practically teaches and believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. • Realism! 1.Disobedience: Disobedience is one of the factor, which affect the unanism of Christianity today in the world. Titus; 3:1-14. 2.Foolishness:  Fulishness makes Christianity today to be disunited. The behavior Cristian have today is not of crist, in today life Cristian do bad things, and take it as a good things, well bad things are now normal things in our today Cristian life, Example wearing trousers for women in the church is a big calamities that Cristian are facing today, which brings religion violence and sexual abuse in the religion. 3.Dechived: Deceived simply means lack of truth ; because the bible say every month shall kiss his lips that giveth ...