10, World religion that you don't know.

•The list of 10 World most powerful religion! Religion, is group of people who believe to warships gods or God. The definition of Religion according to Kajum B Samuel; Kajum B Samuel define Religion is a group of people or organization, who believe and practice specementaly, of superhuman controlling power, in-between God and Man; the power practice and excesses by Man culturally is called gods, while the supernatural powers are called God. Religion is also a way of people believe! What you believe either in a farmily, group or organization is known as religion, base on what you believe for! Example of Religion in Nigeria, Nigeria is made up of 3 Religion, these are: 
1.christianity religion
2.Islamic religion.
3.and Traditional religion.

==The 10 most powerful religion:
Thank you for reading, we will get back for the explanation of the above religions in our next post.


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