Bear and the African Dog.

•Bear are mammals, that belongs to the family ( Ursidge) they can be as small as 4 feet long, and about 60 pound, they are found in American, south American, Europe, Asia, and others part of the world;
•Characterestics: 1. They have excellent sense of smell; 2.They are non-retractable claws, 3. They have short tails; 4. They are typically solitary, except for mother's with cubes.
          Species of Bear: There are commonly 8 species of Bear, this includes: 1.Brown Bear,(grizzly bear) 2.Asiatic black bear also called (moon bears) 3. Spectacle Bears (Anden Bear) 4. Giant Bear (Pandas) 5. North American black bear, 6. Polar bear 7.Sloth bears. 8. Sun bear, 
       •Foods of Bear: All bear are considering  omnivore, that all bear love the test of honey, but each species have a preferred died. Example 1. Polar bear, polar bear mostly eat seals; 2. American black bear; American black bear, considering of eating berries and insects and larvae when, they are available; 3.Giant Panda, mainly eat bamboo, thought it can also eat little animals; 4.Sloth bear, are curiously, fast eater's, the can dig the hole, and eat any thing inside the hole very fast.
   •Do bear be found in Africa? Bear can be found in Africa, Example, black bear, and brown bear, forest that this kind of species should be found, forest like, Sambisa forest reserve in Nigeria, And Mamu forest reserve in Sokoto state, and the African countries, such as west Africa, south African, and other numbers of African countries;

   •The family Ursidge; Animals under this family, such as; Dog, Pig, and Bat.
      •Dog: Dog is a domestic mammals with 4 legs.
Dogs are usually colour, black, white, brown, or mixs of both colours; they also have brown, dark eyes, the mouth look large and long, they have excellent sense of smell; like does of Bear; they run very fast and long; they can run with the car or Moto, equally; They have excellent sense of understanding the road by urinating the little-litle behind the road side. 
     •Food: dog are mostly eat, food with man, but most of dogs can also eat Animals like goat,  sheep, and Cow if already die, or start decomposing.
•Species of Dog: dogs are mainly different kinds of species, Example, South America, dog, African Dog, Indian Dog, Asiatic brown Dog, and black North American dog.
•Compare and contrast between Bear and Dog:  The different between Bear and Dog, Bear are will life animals; while dog is a domestic species.
• Similarities, Both have excellent sense of smell.


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