Kajum Samuel Bombastic Multipurpose Community bank limited (K.S.B.M.C.bank limited)

K.S.B.M.bank limited can be defined as a sole proprietorship rural community bank, that provides rural communities with a standard exclusive multipurpose financial services, in other to promote and develope small businesses for economic development and financial freedom, in other words Kajum Samuel Bombastic Multipurpose bank limited can be defined as a new private financial institution in a non banking community that provides multipurpose economic development agencies and financial freedom for a common man in a rural communities, in other to promote cooperative an individual businesses for a common man in both rural and urban communities.
Aims and objectives of K.S.B.M.bank limited.: The primary aims and objectives of K.S.B.M.bank limited:
1.To provide individual and cooperative in non banking communities with exclusive financial freedom.
2.To provide loans and financial investment for small and the large business in non banking communities.
3.To provide economic development agencies in rural communities.
4.To develop association in-between rural communities and local government to the federal government level.
5.To provide easy financial services to the rural communities.
6.To limit or minimize the level of financial damages to a rural communities.
7.To provide private jobs and financial opportunity to the rural community youth.
8.Agricultural development both subsistence and commercial farmers to a rural communities.
9.Financial and social amenities inlightment for a common man in a rural communities.
• Free financial services.
•Free operation.
•Huges loans for both individual and cooperative.
•Satisfy costomers services.
•Multipurpose currency exchange.
•Law rate in currency exchange.
•Unlimited loans and liabilities.
•Financial investment.
•Availability of bitcoins exchange services.
•Afodable POS for small and the large businesses.
                        Where is K.S.B.M.bank located.
K.S.B.M.bank located at no 0.28 Basaware 1, Mani Koma District 219; 641107, Jada Adamawa state of Nigeria. Declare and form by Kajum Samuel Bombastic; the under review financial institution in rural community.


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