Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo (Zamfara)!

©•Chife Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara (C.E.M.B.R.Z) Is a strong  great grand man of knowledge and wisdom, who stand strong to rule and burst to qualify for the reagulation of his normal companion to his people in a community; in which to make sure that the community is safe under legal rules; Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara the district head as a chief of western Koma,( 2) who is near to the King of Koma Alhaji Hammanzalo Haba Monzango; including the second king of Koma 1; Chief Emanuel Bayainom is a man that work hard in any thing that his doing to make sure that he take  actual  responsibility  and to control   any violation or commotion that the community rises; Chief Zamfara is the fearless lion in his chieftaincy level and the only chief who have right to deal with criminalities as the way he wants, who have right to  punish thieves and stop wischrafting, even in his chieftaincy level; however chief Emanuel Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara, never allow any violation in his land.
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom was born in 26 March <•><1959>•
       ••• Education and Career.
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara started his primary school in Nassarawo Koma, under the U.B.E. (Universal Basic Education) level which is primary 1-7, in <•><1970>-<1977>. and went to teachers college Jada in the year of <•>1978 graduate in <•><1980> and the same year of his graduation he was being a people teacher in Bainde for 3 years before coming back to his community to contest for the cancilor in his community; after being win for the cancilor ship election in <•><1999> that was during the military regim, Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom was back to his community and he was first selected among the chiefs of the King of Koma District which is Alhaji Hamman-yaro Haba Monzango.
        •••Marital Life.
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara Married 4 Wife's and children the name of his first wife is •Queen Regina Emanuel, leteron he divorce his first wife and marry 3 wife;
1.Afiniki Emanuel;
                 •••Sons of Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara.
•This are the account sons and daughters of King Zamfara, King Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara have •7 Sons, 3 boys and 4 daughters, his first wife •Regina Emanuel give birth to Elkana Emanuel which is the first prince of Koma 2 (Yerima) and Emi Emanuel and Pascaliya Emanuel; one son and 2 daughters.
         •Afiniki Emanuel give birth to Anti Bobo, Dinkemi, 
         •Gambie Emanuel give birth to Aliganda Emanuel.
  •Nawara Emanuel 0.
•Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Religion.
     Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom is a Christianity religion and culture.

        •••Home Town.
Konglo Koma 2; Jada local government area Adamawa north east.


No:110 Gangarasho street, Konglo Koma 2.

               •••Technology And Occupation:
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara Is a Traditional ruler who ruled and control the people of the western Koma Damti and Koma Vomni, which is Koma 2 as a chief; haw ever Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom perform the following techniques such as Capintaring, Building, and crafting, and Agriculture as a farmer.
          ••• Why called Zamfara?
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara, he was called Zamfara: Zamfara is one of the most criminal state in northern Nigeria base on kindnapers and thieves, how ever the Titile Zamfara was giving to him because of his powers and haw he put effort to punish criminals misteriously. In simple way he can punish thife misteriously.
          •••Do Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara a King?
Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Ridolo Zamfara is Newly Emate as a King of Koma 2 of northern Nigeria. We wrote something about the first King of Koma in our privious article about the first King of Koma entirely, we say Sasiya Garba was the early King of Koma; today we come across that Koma is devided in to 2, which is western Koma which is Koma 2 and the eastern Koma which is Koma 1, in northern Nigeria Adamawa north east; haw ever Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom of Koma 2 is a newly emet (King) of western Koma Adamawa north east, on 7 October 2022; before we have only Koma 1 District, but now Koma as been devided into 2, which is before Koma Vomni development area is now Koma Maya District. Therefore Chief Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara, can now be called his Royal highness King Emanuel Musa Bayainom Zamfara.


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